So bietjie van ‘n Slawiese connection met Gunshot Blue

So bietjie van ‘n Slawiese connection met Gunshot Blue

Hier is nog so vinnige review van ‘n band wat by Oppikoppi 22 opgetree het hierdie naweek. Frans Borman (van Jet Black Camaro faam) en Pepi Dimevski (van Bloodline LTD faam en ook ‘n bekende tattoo artist) se Gunshot Blue.Die EP se titel is 12396KM en is al so twee...
Gunshot Blue: 12 396km

Gunshot Blue: 12 396km

A resonator guitar has a body made entirely of steel. You would know the sound immediately – it jangles and creaks in a way that is definitively that of the blues. It’s the sound of the Deep South, whether that be the United States or Africa. The new release by...